The History Of Polybius The Megalopolitan 1698 Edition Open Library from
He was clearly aware of the dangers of accepting fables as history: Fortune cast the life of polybius in stirring times. He is also renowned for his ideas of political balance in the government.
In this short film, brian mcging of trinity college, dublin, introduces the work of the ancient greek historian, polybius.
The text of polybius on lacuscurtius. Polybius defines the historian's task as the study and collation of documents, acquaintance with relevant for the main part of his history, from 220 onward, he consulted many writers, greek and roman, but, following precedent, he rarely names them. Comprising fragments of books 10 to 39 (17, 19, and 37 are missing), a compendium of smaller fragments, and an extensive index, volume 2 covers, inter alia, the hannibalian war from 209. He was clearly aware of the dangers of accepting fables as history: